
New! Forever® Flex-Soft Vinyl

2017 Oct 29th

October 2017:

Forever® (no-cut) Flex-Soft Transfer Vinyl Sheets
The transfer paper that produces self-weeding transfers.

Why use Arial, Helvetica or Times New Roman when you can print more complex fonts with Flex-Soft (No-Cut)?
Produce self-weeding transfers with this NEW 2-paper system (A and B sheets).
Print in black and get White, Metallic and Neon colours; without the need for special toners.

Flex Soft (No-Cut) is a colour coated 'film'. Simply print onto the foil (sheet A) using a Laser Printer in black only.
The final colour of the print will be whatever colour the Flex Soft you use (sheet B)!

Start shopping now! Forever Soft-Flex >


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